Extensions for Opencart 3

Here is list of available extensions for Opencart 3 versions. Extensions will be added there one by one as soon as they are re-implemented from the previous version.

CSV Category Export (Opencart 3)
This extension adds the ability to export categories to a file in csv format. The file may contai..
CSV Unified Export Library (Opencart 3)
This is a shared library used by other modules. ..
Abandoned Cart Reminder (Opencart 3)
The module allows to see a list of customers who did not complete the purchase and send an email ..
Hidden Product Attributes (Opencart 3)
With this extension you can specify product attributes visible to administrator only. It is helpf..
Read More (Opencart 3)
The "read more" extension hides long text descriptions and shows a 'Read more' button above them...
Product Shipping Methods (Opencart 3)
The extension allows to specify shipping methods available for the product. At the checkout there..
Apply Button extension
Adds Apply (save & stay) button to ALL default forms of your store: products, categories, cus..
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