How to import product options

1. How to start

First  of  all  you  should  configure  a test product in the store with product options  and  see  how  your  data fits the standard opencart fields. If you can easily  put all option data to standard option values then you might want to try to import the data into these columns.

The import extension supports options import in two formats:
- Simple format (for importing values mostly)
- Extended format (for importing all option data and creating new options)

These formats are described below.

3. Simple format

In the simple format one column is used for importing one option.  That column contains the option value. Although CSV Product Import for Opencart 3 allows to contain a combined value there which may consist of three fields: value;price;quantity

Example 1: one value in the cell

...,"Test Option",...


Example 2: multiple values in the cell

...,"Test Option",...


Example 3 (combined option values, it works in Opencart 3 only):

...,"Test Option",...


Example 4: multiple combined values (Opencart 3 only) :

...,"Test Option",...


4. Extended format

Generally in the extended format one line contains one option value. The line describes all option parameters like option type, option name, etc. It allows to create new options from the file.

Here is an example of importing a sample color option with three values:


It is important to specify the same key field on each line. Other fields can be empty.

There is a way to place multiple option values into one line. In this case the example above will look like this:

The multi value separator is defined on the extension settings page.

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